Come one, come all and hear
the story of the fall of man:
the story of God's plan.
You must believe
that you are like Adam and Eve.
Your road to hell is paved
by the choices within
to turn from God and run to sin.
From this through Jesus you can be saved.
If you have eyes to see and ears to hear,
you can look to the truth and perceive:
It is good for you to turn from sin and believe
in Christ. Then you won't burn in hell,
where the worms never die and the fires never go out.
Otherwise, you won't get high, you'll scream and shout.
Now salvation is nigh and all can be well.
Don't wait or it will be too late.
The day of salvation is here.
If you don't turn you'll burn.
You should fear to do wrong,
'cuz we don't have long to learn
what's right. You need to fight
the urge to splurge on alcohol and sex outside of marriage.