When I preach and witness to people, they ask me all sorts of questions such as, "If it is a sin to have sex outside of marriage, was I sinning when I was raped?" People frequently ask about suicide, homosexuality, drugs and alcohol, too. Many of these are hot button issues that a person can get used to talking to people about. The answers come easier with time, but I never know what the next question will be. So, by witnessing to others, I'm constantly being pushed forward in my pursuit of God. When I don't go out witnessing, I can become complacent. However, as long as I'm ministering to others, I have to keep moving forward myself, or I won't be able to keep helping other people. So, I can keep growing, even though I'm often pretty content (as far as I'm concerned) with where I'm at, because I need to keep learning more answers so that I can be ready when the next tough question comes.
So, you can imagine how excited I was to find Bill's book about Landmarks: it deals with a whole host of issues that were new to me. He gives perspectives on things I've never considered. Not only that, but he speaks from a vantage point further along in his journey that I am, and illustrates his material with easy to grasp comparisons to well known movies. His delivery is gentle, personal and authentic. He gives methods of explaining difficult concepts that will help me to speak to others about difficult subjects in a kind and gentle way. His nine landmarks (milestones of a Christian's development) are as follows: Story, Idols, Wounds, Sex, Identity, Battle, Bond, Mate and Quest. Now, when I first read those, I had no idea how those could be "milestones" in the development of anyone...but boy are they! Although this is a memoir, it is also a guidebook, and it has a lot of "story"...not that it is a novel, but rather you get to see the development of several characters through little vignettes about them and through comparisons (as stated before) to movies.
I might have to re-write this at some point, because I don't feel like my words are doing his book justice, but for now, trust me. Bill uses suspense and word pictures to draw the reader into the book. Some of his comparisons even have some humor. This is a great book and I intend to refer back to it multiple times. This book has lots of deep thoughts and I expect I'll really have to consider it over time to get everything out of it that I can. If you'd like to get a copy of it yourself, you can do so here
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links, so I could make a few cents off it if you decide to buy through my links. If that bothers you, get it through Amazon without using my links. Either way is fine with me, as my goal is to see the kingdom of God advanced, and the more people who are looking for ways to do that the better off we’ll all be. God bless you in your efforts to do that! :-)
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